
To report work-related incidents:

  1. Immediately report accident/incident to supervisor
  2. Promptly seek medical care as needed
  3. Thoroughly complete and sign the First Report of Injury/Illness

1. Report the Accident or Incident.

An employee who is injured on the job must inform the employer promptly. Any delay in notifying the employer can delay the payment of benefits. A delay of more than 45 days may result in the loss of all benefits. Notice to a fellow worker who is not a supervisor or otherwise a part of management is not considered notice to the employer.

2. Seek Medical Care.

This section is currently under construction.

3. Sign the First Report of Injury/Illness.

An employee must thoroughly complete and sign the First Report of Injury/Illness (PDF) form within 24 hours and fax (217-244-5152) or email it to the Workers' Compensation Office ( See the Procedures and Responsibilities page for more information.

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